Rescue & Program Consulting

Customized Rescue Response Program Development

At Spartan Response, we have the industry expertise to provide guidance on the development and ongoing maintenance of a customized Rescue Response Program that aligns with your organizations specific safety, response, equipment and training requirements.

For rescue contingencies related to confined spaces or from elevated structures, we can help you establish and maintain your emergency rescue response program to ensure your safety plan & program is adequate.

No two organizations’ needs and response models will be exactly the same. An organization with a dedicated specialized rescue team may differ greatly from an organization that requires just a standard level of training throughout all personnel.

Training is only one component of successful rescue response programming. For example, Search and Rescue (SAR) teams may require different equipment selection depending on the terrain that is within their response zone. Emergency Response Teams (ERT) may have limited manpower dictating the equipment and techniques that would be required to have a successful response to an emergency.

Unlike Fire Services, Police Services, EMS or military, a private sector worker’s primary focus is to perform their specific trade daily, and only periodically may be called upon to perform rescue and medical duties as part of their overall responsibilities.

As a result, it is critical that these workers are provided quality training that reflects the Occupational Health and Safety Act R.S.O. 1990, c. O.1. Although the general concepts are the same as would be practiced by emergency service professionals, equipment standards may vary and allocated training hours are often significantly less.

We are dedicated to establishing long term partnerships with our clients as an ongoing resource/consultant long after program development and execution is completed. We understand that your Rescue Response Program maintenance is ongoing and is just as important as the initial Response Program development.

Coordinating the following elements of a Complete Response Program is critical and must be done with respect to each other:

  • Standards and Legislation (applicable to your organization)
  • Equipment Selection and Maintenance
  • Response Modelling
  • Level of Training Required
  • Customized Training & Materials
  • Response Preparation
  • Program Documentation & Implementation
  • Ongoing Program Maintenance Plan Reviews